Lots of our clients face the same problems as you:

  • Feeling a little daunted by an unprecedented level of change

  • Moving at pace to define new roles, structures and processes

  • Unsure of the hidden consequences or how to manage change effectively

If any of this rings true with you, we’re sure we can help.

Use the button below to book a chat with our Growth Director, Fiona, at a time that suits you.

You can use the time to outline what sort of issues or opportunities you currently have, what you’re looking to achieve, and Fiona will identify what sort of input might be useful, and which WDC consultants might be best placed to help or discuss further.

There’s no charge, and no commitment for initial discussions.


Find us


In person

9-11 Kingly Street, London, W1B 5PN

Look for the blue door next to Pizza Pilgrims

On the phone

Nicky Russell, Managing Partner: 07775 338 393