We help marketing and creative leaders to address three key operational questions:
What do I need to buy, from whom?
What do I need to improve and how?
What do I need to build and how?
We structure and segment your marketing communications supplier base to align it with current and future needs.
This provides a framework for rationalisation: removing bottlenecks & duplicate tasks, and assigning the most capable and relevant suppliers to each type of task.
We also work with your teams and suppliers to design communication, collaboration and coordination protocols, so that unnecessary work and costs are further eliminated.
In the process, we help you to reduce & contain costs, while creating the conditions for effective marketing output.
“The agency rationalisation process led by Dave West left me with a portfolio of fewer, higher quality partner agencies - which meant I got better work, while still cutting my overall agency budget. I couldn’t have been happier with the results.”
— David Patton
Former Senior Vice President Sony Marketing Communications Europe (SVP Sony MCE)
Global President. Creative Experience and Advertising at Technicolor (The Mill, MPC, Mikros)
Pitching often feels complex, but it doesn’t have to be! We’re able to focus on the things that really matter because of our experience of working in and with both brands and agencies.
We are a tight team of industry experts focused on ensuring you find partners with the right strategic & creative capabilities, assured quality in production and service, and who are prepared to work under clear & fair commercial and contractual terms.
Meetings feel like working meetings rather than
transmit/receive sessions. Agencies and clients feel like they are engaged in partnership, rather than enduring a transactional relationship.
“WDC have worked with us on a number of pitches recently. Their approach enables us to get much closer to the agency teams and provides better insight into how they can work with us to produce outstanding work. It means we begin our new relationships with a shared vision and are already on the journey to brilliant work”
— Mireia Casadella
Purpose & Creative Excellence Director, Pepsico
Following a review of current arrangements, we help you define the best role for your in-house agency and, if necessary, to build a business case for one.
We identify the skills, job roles, structure, processes and tech tools that will help make your IHA a success.
We also help you define the values and behaviours you want your IHA to embrace – often with a view to building a purposeful sub-culture that can thrive within the organisational framework of the ‘mother ship’.
We can even help you find and recruit the talent that have those right skills and will thrive in the culture you have defined.
Sometimes we do this from scratch; other times we redefine, reshape and rebuild existing IHAs.
“WDC are the best out there: supporting brands to identify the right in-house agency model and they are fantastic partners to help bring it all to life. I speak from experience, working with the fantastic Nicky Russell, John Owen and team on our journey at The Body Shop revisioning the Greenhouse Agency.”
— Natalie Brewster
Global Creative Operations Director,
The Body Shop
Marketing brilliance requires consistent approaches and repeatable practices. Yet today’s world also demands agile and flexible ways of working, responsiveness to a rapidly changing media landscape and more collaboration across teams than there has perhaps ever been.
This is why it’s vital to define your Operating System (OS). In a nutshell, this consists of a shared vision for ops, clear expectations for everyone involved and a set of tools that enable consistent ways of working.
We work with you and your teams to review existing skills, processes, structures and tools – as well as cultural norms & expectations – and, together, we design a framework that will both unite your people and liberate them to do their best work.
It’s a truism that most agencies are hired for their strategy & creativity but fired for their service. Essentially, relationships break down because of the agency’s behaviours, rather than its ideas.
We help you avoid this by working with both agency and client to define the behaviours they need to see from each other – and which they need to adopt.
We then put these in context and make them real: defining not just what the teams need to do but when, where, with whom, how and why.
Together, client and agency draw up a charter of behaviours to which they then sign up.
We also set clear KPIs that objectively measure the degree to which the relationship is working.
Finally, we deliver a framework for reviewing these KPIs, as well as for airing the subjective feelings of those involved about how well the relationship is working.
“The work WDC did made a huge difference, not just to the way we operated, also to the quality of the work itself and its greater impact.”
— Justin Bairamian
Director, BBC Creative